Friday, August 20, 2010

Rocket and Kyla; Practically the Same Being

I went to visit my dad, his wife Leah, and my adorable little sister Kyla this past weekend. Every time I visit I find myself comparing and contrasting my angelic sibling to my son-puppy Rocket. It's quite uncanny how alike the are. I thought I would compile a list of similarities for you to enjoy.


All toys are inserted in mouth, slobbered and chewed upon.

Anything dangerous or valuable must be put out of reach, because in their eyes, toys are not limited to the playthings that we so lovingly provide for them.

Energy Level



They will pretty much eat anything you stick in front of their face, because they trust you.

TV Time

They completely disregard the fact that you want to watch your favorite show.

Bath Time

A fit is pitched beforehand. They look completely adorable while being bathed. Both can't wait to be done.

Nap Time

This is the time when you look at them and say, "I have never seen a sweeter, more perfect creature, I'm so lucky they are mine."

They wake up. Always before you are done enjoying the peace.

Daily Routine

Wake up. Pee/Poop. Eat. Play. Pee/Poop. Nap. Eat. Play. Pee/Poop. Nap. Eat. Play. Pee/Poop. Sleep.

Feelings Toward Them

I wouldn't give them up for anything!!

1 comment:

  1. aw, cute! she's a pretty litte thing. and rocket is kinda hansome too! I'm giddy with excitement that you wrote a new blog!
