Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Things That Annoy Me (this may be long)

I am feeling especially annoyed today, so I thought I would compile a list of things that annoy me. The list will be in no particular order because that would take a lot of planning, and doing an outline for a blog just seems a tad unnecessary. So here we go.

1. Snowbirds. This is a very sensitive subject right now. For those of you who don't know what a snowbird is, which is probably nobody since I am the only one who reads this, a snowbird is a retired person who migrates to the south for the winter. Most of them come from Michigan, have a horrible accent, drive 20 mph in a 55 mph zone, buy up all the groceries, don't support local small businesses because they are so cheap, and have the attitude that we owe them our lives. I had one old fart come in the store the other day and tell me that it was "too cold down here and if we didn't do something about it, then they would stop coming down here." I'm sure in his mind he was hilarious. In my mind I was telling him we would be sure and keep it extra cold down here for him.

2. Job Hunting. I am currently seeking employment, preferably a "grown-up" job. I have applied for what seems like a million, but is probably closer to 10ish. Nobody ever contacts me and when they do they give me some vague response. I have to call or email them repeatedly in order to get another vague response. I'm starting to get a complex.

3. People who pretend to listen. I hate having a conversation with someone and knowing that you could stop talking at any moment and they wouldn't even realize it. It becomes rather distracting for me, I start looking around to find what they are looking at, or I'm thinking the whole time I'm talking about how they aren't paying attention. Then I start thinking why aren't they paying attention, am I boring? And then I forget what I'm even talking about. I mean really, is it that hard to just listen?

4. People that are repeatedly late. I just want to know their process before leaving. Do they not notice that they are always late. This one is especially annoying in the work place. In my book 15 minutes early is on time, anything after that is late.

5. Bad Drivers. I don't really need to explain this one, I think it's on everyone's list.

6. Children that Taunt my Dog. I can't figure out what is so fun about making my dog bark and squeal and keeping him from pooping. It is Zero% fun for me.

7. The Radio. They apparently only have 5 songs per station.

8. Cold Weather. Cold weather is a real problem. I live in South Alabama; it should never reach temperatures below 50. We southerners are just not equipped to handle these temperatures. This past week it has been in the 20s. Ridiculous. I started the cold front off gracefully with a slip and fall and roll off the bridge in our yard and into the ditch. No need to worry....I lived. It takes me 20 minutes to put on the 10 layers of clothing needed to go out and walk the dogs for 5 minutes. And the another 20 minutes to strip down once we get back in. Then the pipes freeze and you can't take a shower until they thaw out. Everything freezes, dies, and turns brown, ugly, and lifeless. And the worst part is that it will not snow down here. What is the point of cold if there is no pretty snow to play in.

9. People who smell like an ashtray. It's just gross. Smoking is disgusting and will kill you. Your skin looks like leather. Your mouth gets ugly wrinkles around it. Please stop. If you are going to smoke please make sure you do not smell like you rolled around in an ashtray. I have friends who smoke and you would never know it because they don't stink. So it is possible to smoke and smell clean. But you really should just not smoke, it saves a lot of time.

That concludes my list for today. There are plenty of other things that annoy me, but these are the most annoying. I feel much better getting all of that off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. What are the odds that dislikes are genetically linked? The only other possibility is that a lot of people dislike the same things you do. I don't personally have the snowbird problem. We don't get too many up here. Hey, I just had an idea how to solve your snowbird problem!! OK, never mind. I also don't have the taking the dog to poo problem. Open the door, let them out. They figure it out. OK, so we don't live on a busy street either. Later
