Saturday, January 2, 2010


So it's that time of year again...the new beginning. It's so funny to me how everyone starts making their resolutions about a month or two before New Year's. They say, "I have to get healthy, I have to go on a diet, I have to start exercising." They know this about themselves, they know they are unhealthy and need to change their ways, then they say, "January 1 everything will change!" And it usually does change for about a week, maybe two. I am guilty of this as well. My goal this year is to train for a 5k coming up this spring. I am a runner at heart; I am just a little rusty. It has probably been 10 years since I was a "runner" and being that I am 23, I guess technically I have never been a "runner." I mean every 13 year old is a runner. They have all that energy to burn off. Now I can't run to the end of the driveway without getting winded, but I don't feel too bad, my driveway is quite long, you could probably fit 4 mid-sized sedans on it if they were parked bumper to bumper. So I feel that I have a nice little base to start training on. I bought myself a new mp3 player to take running with me. I already had a mp3 player, but it's a few years old and about the size and weight of a brick. It came with case that had a clip on it, which I thought would be great for running with. The one time I gave it a go, the mp3 player decided to pants me in the middle of the jog. So, in turn, I gave up running so I could listen to only made sense. Anyway, I am now the proud owner of a 4gb mp3 player the size of one of those Bluetooth ear thingies. Now all I have to do is the running part. You may wonder if I have any other resolutions for 2010, and lucky for you, I do. I would like to continue my quest to find myself. I look to have that done by mid-march at the latest. Once finished I will find my niche as an artist and then I will take the world by storm with my profound artwork that will change the lives of millions. I believe that will be done sometime between end of March to ,at the latest, Mayish. Then I plan to spend the summer exploring the world and sharing my riveting artwork with every man, woman, and child along the way. When I return home in September I will begin my work in finding a cure and completely eliminating the H1N1 (aka the Swine Flu) virus, I find it disgusting and completely unnecessary. I should be done with before Halloween. My goal for Halloween is to get gross Halloween candy, like those chewy things wrapped in orange and black wax paper, banned from be sold in any stores. If someone happens to buy them on the black market or something and give them out, then they should be arrested. There is no excuse for handing out inedible candy. After Halloween is over and every child in the world is eating snickers and Reese's cups, I will focus all my attention on Christmas. Christmas is a time for going overboard and that is exactly what I intend to do. After I get done with Christmas it will be known as an extreme sport. So those are my resolutions for 2010. I think it is important to create goals that are reachable. If you set impossibly high goals you will never meet them and then you are just hurting yourself, because you will be a failure. Good Luck in the New Year!

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